
Cheshire DJ, 60, regularly asked out by 21-year-old men who think she’s 30

Cheshire DJ, 60, regularly asked out by 21-year-old men who think she’s 30

imageA 60-year-old woman has told how she is regularly accused of lying about her age – because she looks so young.Eudora Okoro says many people think she is 30, half her real age, as a result of her flawless skin and young looks.She even claims 21-year-old men have asked her out on dating sites, CheshireLive reports .Get the latest news from around Stoke-on-Trent Dance instructor Eudora says she hasn’t had any botox or cosmetic surgery, and that her secret is exercising, drinking plenty of water, and wearing SPF.A former legal executive lawyer turned Radio DJ and dance instructor, Eudora said she doesn’t have to wear make up, and has got the body of a 30-year-old.She said: “Whenever I have to give anyone my date of birth, people stare at me like I’ve gone mad.”People almost spit their drink out when they find out I’m 60 – it’s a bit embarrassing, but very flattering.

“There’s no secret – you just need to have a healthy lifestyle.People take care of their cars, homes and gardens, but not their bodies.I’m living proof that age is just a number!” Single Eudora, from Cheshire, said she started looking after herself in her teens, to maintain a youthful appearance, and stuck with it ever since.Her dad said ‘wait until you turn 30 – you’ll become a barrel’ and she was determined to never let that be her.She drinks around two litres of water a day, swears by a raw fruit and vegetable juice every morning, and eats a plant-based diet mainly consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

She has never had surgery or botox, wears hardly any makeup, is a religious user of SPF, and ensures she always uses a good moisturiser to keep her skin looking smooth and preventing wrinkles.Eudora says she also regularly attends and instructs dance classes as well as going for long walks while listening to music – which she says is good for both her physical and mental wellbeing.She has maintained the youthful looks and body of a 30-year-old – and people’s jaws hit the floor when she tells them her age.

She said: “Unless you have some kind of medical condition, I believe how we age is completely in our hands.”Being fit and healthy helps you deal with anything – it affects you mentally as well as physically.People do things they know are bad for their body out of laziness – but being healthy and having good habits is a way of life.”Sometimes I drink wine, but I always make sure to have plenty of water before bed – and if I have chocolate, I always go for dark chocolate because it’s better for you.”People see ‘treating yourself’ as eating unhealthy food, but for me it means having something which is good for your body.” But she shared how her youthful looks shock people – with some outright accusing her of lying about being 60 – and old friends saying she hasn’t aged in decades.

After losing her 52-year-old husband Paul to cancer in 2019, she has recently become open to dating again – and her dating profile states she is interested in men between the ages of 34 and 50 because younger men tend to “look after their bodies better”.

But she described how men as young as 21 have messaged her on dating sites because they can’t believe her age on her profile is true.She said: “It’s a bit embarrassing, but flattering, when someone that young contacts me.They’re convinced my age is a lie when I tell them – and if I ever have to give someone my date of birth, they think I’ve gone mad.” But Eudora, who has never had children, insists there is no secret to youthful looks, it’s just about looking after your body and living a healthy lifestyle.She said: “People waste a lot of money on surgery because they lack confidence in their appearance, but that is easy to achieve by looking after yourself.

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